I really like RSS feeds. I appreciate getting just the latest information on various sources. It can be overwhelming however if you subscribe to too much! I also had a bit of a problem figuring out how to get the blog reader set up so I would get automatic updates. The directions were not very clear. I didn't want to put a link on MY blog so everyone could see what I was reading, rather I wanted a link for myself from my blog so I could check new posts from there. Instead, I just added it to my favorites and will have to remember to check it.
I'm sure I missed something. Still a useful tool, however!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Thing #2
I agree that Library 2.0 is a very real and relevant force. I am concerned with the lack of authority within postings of wiki's and the like. Perhaps I'm old fashioned but other than getting and exchanging ideas and opinions, I'm not sure that many people have the expertise needed to contribute their text to authoritative documents. How do we contain users to appropriate context? How do we teach youngsters to use citations and relevant sources?
Just a couple of concerns.
I too think the amount of time spent exploring and joining groups is overwhelming. Although many of these tools may be greatly useful, you do have to select those which are most beneficial to you. We all gravitate towards our interests. It is fun to learn new items and at least have some background knowledge of what everyone is "talking" about.
On to thing 3.
I agree that Library 2.0 is a very real and relevant force. I am concerned with the lack of authority within postings of wiki's and the like. Perhaps I'm old fashioned but other than getting and exchanging ideas and opinions, I'm not sure that many people have the expertise needed to contribute their text to authoritative documents. How do we contain users to appropriate context? How do we teach youngsters to use citations and relevant sources?
Just a couple of concerns.
I too think the amount of time spent exploring and joining groups is overwhelming. Although many of these tools may be greatly useful, you do have to select those which are most beneficial to you. We all gravitate towards our interests. It is fun to learn new items and at least have some background knowledge of what everyone is "talking" about.
On to thing 3.
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